Globalisation Un-Entangled. (A FOUND POEM, CIPHER OF GLOBALISM )

Cut-up technique[edit]

Cut-up technique is an extension of collage to words themselves, Tristan Tzara describes this in the Dada Manifesto:[49]

Take a newspaper.
Take some scissors.
Choose from this paper an article of the length you want to make your poem.
Cut out the article.
Next carefully cut out each of the words that makes up this article and put them all in a bag.
Shake gently.
Next take out each cutting one after the other.
Copy conscientiously in the order in which they left the bag.
The poem will resemble you.
And there you are – an infinitely original author of charming sensibility, even though unappreciated by the vulgar herd.






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 “Ages ago,” Urthred continued, “we certainly used to speak
Globalisation Un-Entangled.


”The reader of Pope, as of every author, is advised to begin by letting him say what he has to say, in his own manner to an open mind that seeks only to receive the impressions which the writer wishes to convey. First let the mind and spirit of the writer come into free, full contact with the mind and spirit of the reader, whose attitude at the first reading should be simply receptive. Such reading is the condition precedent to all true judgment of a writer’s work. All criticism that is not so grounded spreads as fog over a poet’s page. Read, reader, for yourself, without once pausing to remember what you have been told to think´´.
Henry Morley.




the idea before it was clothed in words
heard in minds, as uttered thought
the communication of arranged ideas
Thoughts lifting mist from the poet´s page.
To set the stage, not in the round
but, to see the scene in the sphere
Which actors will the playwright lay
on the page´s narrative to steer.
Which course to meet
who to set upon the bridge
For strength of Bulls Wall Street
of Bears & onion domes upon our chart
A heroes pride found in Britannia’s isles
Monks ´´sans humilite´´ fane ease
Like Pope we find our actors
´´All, all alike, find reason on their side´´
mais par impatience de souffrir
On the present discontents, Burke opined
Putin ,Trump and Farage set courses un-entangled
Junker , Merkel, Call for straight ahead.
Few are the partisans of departed tyranny
of Globalism or Nationalism which be the tyrant?
Yet passions are deceiving someone,
so near 50 years behindhand a hero fell.
“On this day, the day of March
in my opinion´´, is the end of the
United States of America
as the land of the free
and the home of the brave.”
Eliza with Rogerian inscrutability
hears the confession of the mal-contents
A mirror held up before cosmetic application
Globalisation and Internationalism confused
despotism´s nature is to abhor any say
save that of its own momentary pleasure;
it annihilates all intermediate situations
between boundless strength on its own part,
and total debility on the part of the people.
Our education can be Our? our, government.
Our reason can be our Judge, of the rivals;

Globalism, Authority, coercion and competition.
or Nationalism, Internationalism, Cooperation.
Are we to have free will and democracy
Will we have determined authority
A struggle of ideals an ancient quarrel

Parmenides or Heraclitus navigators both

If centuries be epochs with peculiar discretion

19th, 20th, 21st a behind hand review
19th innate goodness of man, nationalism
20th Fallen man Calvinist rule, Globalism.
For the 21st partisans for patronage
Putin and the bear Nationalism
Trump and the Eagle InterNationalism
Corbyn of the uncommon people interNationalism
Farage of the common people Nationalism
Well May? You ask Globalism, Atlanticism
Within the Elysian bosom suckling Globalism on the right 
and Internationalism on the left restricted by two tits. A binary mammary conundrum, for PIIGS have many teets. On which teet will elites suckle, 
ONLY formula for the masses.
From good men and bad society, to
bad men and good society from optimism
to pessimism and from secularism
to religion. Creative destruction Globalisation?
The Simple see war is simply a football match 
conducted with cannons.wise men look 
not In  Nietzsche's Will to Power,  
but In the custom house.Says Bernard Shaw
shadows cast from secret whispers
taps on streams of digital Imprints
what oppressor does not despise
what oppression will not censor and misdirect
Secretive cabals of liberal political correctness
Self censored fearing the exile of dissent
GCHQ Nsa Kvd , hacking whose democracy
What democracy sings with the voice of explosions?
Tripartite accords of old, a Gold Standard
As Piggs Shit Brics and Lutheran Shards
profer Gaping anuses and Calvinist certainties

Divine providence and eminent domain democracy perverted.

Union now as then in ´38, current quarrels

Mr Streit’s Union and Mr Orwells Niggers
Not counting Niggers, the other´s not like us
six hundred million disenfranchised, is it more today?
Russia is brazenly refusing to learn from the EU’s
mistakes and may walk directly into its trap
How can banking union serve the tributaries of society. Pigs do not fly nor water flow up hill
Real brothers can curse each other, friends.
Someday. Britannia will give Columbia a piece of her mind, Elysium also needs telling and she is
curiously afflicted offering no teet for the eastern bear.
an exasperated Englishman: “I pray to God
they keep out of the end of this war anyhow.
We shall never hear the last of it if they don’t….”
Cabalists, Gnostics, Manichaeans, the Old Man
of the Mountains, Knight Templars, Satanists,
Rosicrucians, Illuminati, Freemasons, Rousseau,
Voltaire, Cagliostro, Madame Blavatsky, Mrs. Besant,
Trade Unions, Anarchists, Socialists, Theosophists,
Communists, Those Bolsheviks, a frightful horde
all plotting and getting hold of power and handing
it on and doing down Christianity and the Christian life


for example “Shall we never pluck the best from fate

and find the Golden Mean? Must we ever choose freedom without order, or order without freedom? Must justice and mercy bring always weakness in their train, and strength bring tyranny? Not one of the educational co-ordinators in Utopia he, or is Elysisum Bodiccea disguised.

Climate Change, political Change bedfellows both
the world’s biggest polluter, backs the Protocol
is it because they want control of emissions quotas
The imperialist philosophy behind Kyoto?
Not one of the claims contained in the Kyoto Protocol
this “scientific” theory on which they are based
have been confirmed by real facts. Extreme natural
occurrences are not becoming more frequent,
and there has been no increase in infectious diseases.
Unless one sees Globalist imperialism as infectious.

The proposals to change the current state of affairs –

included in the rejected European Constitution or

in the not much different Lisbon Treaty – would

make this defect even worse. Since there is no European demos –

and no European nation – this defect cannot be solved by

strengthening the role of the European Parliament, either


In practice, the existence of euro has shown that

forcing an economically disparate Europe into

a homogeneous entity through a political decision

is political engineering par excellence, far from

beneficial for all countries concerned



“Environmentalism should belong in the social sciences”
along with other “isms” such as communism, feminism, and liberalism.
Klaus said that “environmentalism is a religion” and, answering
questions of U.S. Congressmen, a “modern counterpart of communism”
that seeks to change peoples’ habits and economic systems.
Blue Planet in Green Shackles, Vaclav Klaus


Financial Institutions,Environmental groups Fossil fuel companies
Alternative energy companies Nuclear energy companies Traditional retailers and marketers governments might use global warming as a rationale for additional taxes
A central theme , Belief? To coalesce focus
Climate, Liberal democracy, money
Abstractions of devotion Scientism Catechism
each opinion, certain facts codified worshiped

CALVIN SAID Belloc characterised the reformation as

´´a rising of the rich against the poor´´,

´and indeed Calvin had written the unfortunate statement:

´´The people must always be kept in poverty in order that they remain obedient´´.


A taste of the ideas doing the rounds in Obama circles is offered by a recent report from the Managing Global Insecurity project, whose small US advisory group includes John Podesta, the man heading Mr Obama’s transition team and Strobe Talbott, the president of the Brookings Institution, from which Ms Rice has just emerged.´´

Replace “Obama” with “Hitler”, and you have the original. It’s from Milton Mayer’s classic They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933-45, and the words are those of a university colleague of the author, explaining “the ever widening gap, after 1933, between the government and the people.”

Just the place for a Snark! I have said it twice:
That alone should encourage the crew.
Just the place for a Snark! I have said it thrice:
What I tell you three times is true.

What’s the good of Mercator’s North Poles and Equators,

Tropics, Zones, and Meridian Lines?”

So the Bellman would cry: and the crew would reply

They are merely conventional signs!


Monnet and Retinger: liberal establishment tools in the founding of Europe
The Role of Oligarchs in Russian Capitalism
Centralisation Swiss Study, contrast?
It is very rare indeed for men to be wrong in their feelings concerning public misconduct
This retrospective wisdom and historical patriotism are things of wonderful convenience, and serve admirably to reconcile the old quarrel between speculation and practice.
he represented a group which had been planning the Guidestones for 20 years, and which intended to remain anonymous
What are they? Sinister, Elephant of Hindustan.
Tool Hammer and nails Sutherland. Market obsession
most widely agreed-upon interpretation of the stones is that they describe the basic concepts required to rebuild a devastated civilisation.
Multinational companies like Google, Oracle, and Ericsson are already using information technology to help migrants and the communities that host them, and volunteers within the IT sector have founded Techfugees 

Sutherland in 2016.

With Malmstrom 2012

It is ironic – and dangerous – that Europe’s anti-immigrant sentiment is peaking just when global structural changes are fundamentally shifting migration flows.
Consider Sweden, which has transformed its immigration policy by allowing employers to identify the immigrant workers whom they need (the policy has built-in safeguards to give preference to Swedish and EU citizens)
NATo and attack industry. Security ? who´s security. Back to Spinoza? Back to Burke. Seeing a problem when his salary depends upon not seeing it. Unto this last? What is theme. Maimonides, Guide for the perplexed?? so on and so forth.
Micawber is known for asserting his faith that “something will turn up”. His name has become synonymous with someone who lives in hopeful expectation. This has formed the basis for the Micawber Principle, based upon his observation:
“Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen pounds nineteen and six, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds nought and six, result misery.” – (Chapter 12)

Deutsche Bank lords it over workers

MARCH 10, 2011

They say a picture is worth a thousand words.

I wrote to DB last week (as I am sure many people did). He got fired on Friday. Ha.
Sacco prrrrrrrrrobably doesn’t have a job anymore, though a bad AIDS joke likely won’t keep a good PR person down for too long. Sooner or later

How One Stupid Tweet Blew Up Justine Sacco’s Life

A great deal of the furniture of ancient tyranny is worn to rags; the rest is entirely out of fashion.  Besides, there are few statesmen so very clumsy and awkward in their business as to fall into the identical snare which has proved fatal to their predecessors.  When an arbitrary imposition is attempted upon the subject, undoubtedly it will not bear on its forehead the name of Ship-money
Self awareness, Transcendence, Self honesty. Loving self Donald Neal Walsh.
Today’s liberalism is an anachronism. It has no understanding, really, of what poverty is and how it has to be overcome. It has no grip whatever on what American exceptionalism
´What would love do now?´´.
At all breaking points in life there is one question to ask: what would love do now?
Love is not to retain the best of the other – but the best of your self.
‘I would define the episteme retrospectively as the strategic apparatus which permits of separating out from among all the statements which are possible those that will be acceptable within, I won’t say a scientific theory, but a field of scientificity, and which it is possible to say are true or false. The episteme is the ‘apparatus’ which makes possible the separation, not of the true from the false, but of what may from what may not be characterised as scientific.” Michel Foucault.
Materialism will have the right to proclaim itself as victorious only when the bible of materialism shall have been written,  Tolstoy.
CHARLES SANDERS PEIRCE: ´´In order toreason well …. it is absolutely necessary to possess … such virtuesas intellectual honesty and sincerity and a real love of truth (2.82). The cause [of the success of scientificinquirers] has been that the motive which has carried them to the laboratory and the field has been a craving toknow how things really were … (1-34).[Genuine inquiry consists I in diligent inquiry into truth for truth’s sake(1.44), … in actually drawing the bow upon truth withintentness in the eye, with energy in the arm (1.235). [When] it is no longer the reasoning which determineswhat the conclusion shall be, but … the conclusion which determines what the reasoning shall be … this is sham reasoning…. The effect of this shamming is that men come to look upon reasoning as mainly decorative…´´. seminal essay How to make our ideas clear
The recent flurry of marches, demonstrations and even riots, along with the Democratic Party’s spiteful reaction to the Trump presidency, exposes what modern liberalism has become: a politics shrouded in pathos. Unlike the civil-rights movement of the 1950s and ’60s, when protesters wore their Sunday best and carried themselves with heroic dignity, today’s liberal marches are marked by incoherence and downright lunacy—hats designed to evoke sexual organs, poems that scream in anger yet have no point to make, and an hysterical anti-Americanism. All this suggests lostness, the end of something rather than the beginning. What is ending?
Convergence, Divergence Wicked problems. ???

The Class-Domination Theory of Power

As argued in Who Rules America?, the owners and top executives of the largest corporations, banks, investment firms, and agri-businesses come together as a corporate community
ITS NOT WHAT? but, Who you Know!

Questions and Answers

Q:  So, who does rule America?
A:  The owners and managers of large income-producing properties; i.e., the owners of corporations, banks, other financial institutions, and agri-businesses. But they have plenty of help from the managers and experts they hire. You can read the essential details of the argument on this site, or read the new seventh edition of Who Rules America?.
Q:  Do the same people rule at the local level that rule at the federal level?
Interlocks and Interactions Among the Power Elite

The Corporate Community, Think Tanks,Policy-Discussion Groups, and Government

by G. William Domhoff, Clifford Staples, & Adam Schneider

Diplomacy and Guns.
Bairns not bombs , Attack not defence industry.
Somebody must trespass on the taboos of modern nationalism, in the interests of human reason. Business can’t. Diplomacy won’t. It has to be people like us.” 
― Robert ByronThe Road to Oxiana

Be a craftsman in speech that thou mayest be strong, for the strength of one is the tongue, and speech is mightier than all fighting.” 
― Ptahhotep
Fake news and inconvenient truths?
Real brothers can curse each other and keep friends. Someday Britannia will give Columbia a piece of her mind, and that may clear the air. Said an exasperated Englishman to me a day or so ago: “I pray to God they keep out of the end of this war anyhow. We shall never hear the last of it if they don’t….”
Mrs. Nesta Webster
She has set herself with the greatest industry to trace and link together the long-drawn succession of Cabalists, Gnostics, Manichaeans, the Old Man of the Mountains, Knight Templars, Satanists, Rosicrucians, Illuminati, Freemasons, Rousseau, Voltaire, Cagliostro, Madame Blavatsky, Mrs. Besant, Trade Unions, Anarchists, Socialists, Theosophists, Communists, Those Bolsheviks, a frightful horde all plotting and getting hold of power and handing it on and doing down Christianity and the Christian life. Her books are written with-conviction enough to make one look under the bed at nights. She has never quite committed herself to those famous forged Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion
words.p.232 tragedy and Hope.
´´but criticism should have been directed rather at the hypocrisy and lack
of realism in the ideals of the wartime propaganda and at the lack of honesty of the chief negotiators in carrying on the pretense that these ideals were still in effect while they violated them daily, and necessarily violated them. The settlements were clearly made by secret negotiations, by the Great Powers exclusively, and by power politics. They had to be. No settlements could ever have been made on any other bases. The failure of the chief negotiators (at least the Anglo-Americans) to admit this iQuiggleyss regrettable, but behind their
reluctance to admit it is the even more regrettable fact that the lack of political experience and political education of the American and English electorates made it dangerous for the negotiators to admit the facts of life in international political relationships.”
Bruce Charlton PC and distraction.

This book is intended for normal, mainstream, secular, modern, disaffected and alienated intellectuals; those who are complicit in political correctness (as are all intellectuals) but who are (when not distracted, drugged or dreaming) in a state of despair.
This book will, I hope, help such people to understand their condition, and present the likely choices. It will not help them to save their world (too late for that) but it may help them to save their souls.

Note: Why I use the term Political Correctness, instead of Liberalism or Socialism?
The reasons include:
1. The confusion over what ‘liberalism’ means – to some a free marketeer, to others a socialist. My definition of political correctness is broad and includes most mainstream conservatives, libertarians and anarchists; who are nowadays all significantly PC.

Thus, the major output of the modern international Mass Media consists of only four categories:
1. Good presented as bad
2. Bad presented as Good
(That is to say simple inversion)
3. Good presented as Good for a bad reason
4. Bad presented as bad for a bad reason
(That is to say explanatory inversion)
These four categories, which can be summarized as either simple or explanatory inversion, account for all sustained and high impact modern major Mass Media stories without any exceptions.
The problem is that Political education and discourse are so poorly communicated. Read Pedagogy of the Oppressed and what will become apparent is Political liberation is a Praxis and not a party. Freedom is something you live and do not something you join.
Political correctness, the intellectual elite and the mass media
PC depends upon at least two necessary (although not sufficient) conditions
Soviet Union in the Brezhnev era and political correctness in the West, is therefore the presence of a mass media.
In the old Soviet Union the media were instruments of state propaganda; they were dull, people didn’t pay much attention to them, and the quantity of media output was anyway kept low (because the media content was controlled and checked, item by item).
In the modern West, by contrast, the mass media are vast, primarily attention-grabbing, and still growing; media content is vivid and varied; and the subject matter is controlled only by self-censorship.
The moral universe of PC subsists on two distinct realities – good causes and good intentions, but never the twain can stay stuck-together.
(Note the lack of reference to good outcomes. Being wholly abstract, PC is indifferent to outcomes. ‘Outcomes’ are regarded as having no autonomous reality, but are merely seen as part of abstract theory.)
When everything is interpretation, action is rendered hazardous, indeed unnecessary.
The bureaucrat and the media communicator (those who do nothing and risk nothing – but who interpret, and re-interpret reality for the masses) are the modern cultural exemplars: certainly not the heroic producer, maker, act-er and do-er (whose positive behaviors might, at any moment, be re-interpreted; and the erstwhile hero exposed as a modern villain.)
So, wretched inert submissiveness oscillates with arrogant but empty moral grandstanding.
Is anybody safe?
Under PC, whatever you do, whatever willing you show, status is contingent.
There is no safety even for members of the ruling elite in a system of Political Correctness; anyone at all is susceptible to denunciation for any reason or no reason at any time.
Since PC is a wave of moral ‘progress’ which leaves-behind all previous moral standards and behaviours – there can be no accumulation of moral capital.
This applies to the ultra-PC just as much as to the openly reactionary.
The insanity of pure abstract altruism
Pure disinterested altruism, imposed on all by abstract systems, is therefore a logical consequence of the moral primacy of pure altruism…
It is also insane, and lacks any test in reality.
PC is good by definition and for no other reason; especially not because PC has been found to be good.
PC stands or falls by the fact of a secular intellectual ruling elite, and can be imposed widely by this elite only by the recent technologies of modern mass media.
And PC is only possible in a fully materialist and secular society: where this-worldly ‘goods’ and their just (i.e. altruistic) allocation can assume ultimate importance, over-riding all other considerations (such as the saving of souls).
It is this idealistic quest for pure impersonal abstract altruism, in a secular context, which has caused the anti-human, alienating, aggressive, patronizing, self-hating and suicidal insanity that is political correctness.

Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed

Misinformation was a key theme of the recent US election, in which Hillary Clinton was demonised daily – often without any factual basis – in both new and established right-wing outlets.

How sincere is this ?

(1) Establish a correction mechanism

One element of an effective strategy against misreporting and fake news
insurgent parties: Putin, migration and people power


It concludes that foreign policy is no longer an elite game.

Mark Leonard, Director of the European Council on Foreign Relations, said:
““Many of these insurgent parties have views on foreign policy that are closer to President Putin than President Obama.  They are overturning an elite foreign policy consensus based on Atlanticism and liberal democracy that has dominated for the last fifty years”
13.  The overwhelming majority saw the need for European solutions to specific current challenges. This was least pronounced on the Eurozone crisis where 20 parties opted for European level solutions; scaling up to 24 in favour of European solutions on the refugee crisis, 29 on the Syrian war and 28 on Ukraine; and 34 on terrorism. 
Correction: Due to an incident that happened with a Chrome extension installed on the personal laptop of one of our staff members, for a couple of days the online version of this press release showed a misspelled version of the name of Donald Trump.
An interesting discussion Wesley and John boiling down the technical arguments from the political
seems to have evaded you both it must surely be possible absent moral/political judgements to
discern how the existing system operates in The Uk and The US and elsewhere after all the systems
exist? A favourite dialogue of mine is the one between Proudhon and Bastiat summarised here. I share Proudhons view regarding Interest and see the
charging of Interest as the biggest part of the monetary system. Jeremy Benthams in defence of
Usury is in the Bastiat Camp albeit a dialogue between Bentham and Adam Smith ( interestingly one sided reminiscent of
Sam Harris engaging Noam Chomsky, Smith did not respond at all though.) The question about
issuing money is surely that when Money is created out of thin air it should be created without
interest and that if Interest is thought to be a good idea then the Interest Component should be
created at the same time. This is the fundamental question ( Bentham misses it completely and so
does Bastiat in my recollection of the debate. I personally have philosophical, moral and religious
objections to the charging of Interest, all Interest charges for me are usurious, My own political
views actually reject Capitalism as well I do not think it works. We do have the system we have
though and as JohnG says MMT is supposed to describe how the system we have works. Steve
Keen is very good on endogenous money creation and bears very close attention I find. . Regardless of Political views it is the interest
element that causes the damage when money is created as debt. This is the insight at the heart of the
social credit movement.
Tradgedy and Hope.
P 24
The export of material elements in a culture, across its peripheral areas and beyond, to
the peoples of totally different societies has strange results. As elements of material
culture move from core to periphery inside a civilization, they tend, in the long run, to
strengthen the periphery at the expense of the core because the core is more hampered in
the use of material innovations by the strength of past vested interests and because the
core devotes a much greater part of its wealth and energy to nonmaterial culture. Thus,
such aspects of the Industrial Revolution as automobiles and radios are European rather
than American inventions, but have been developed and utilized to a far greater extent in
America because this area was not hampered in their use by surviving elements of
feudalism, of church domination, of rigid class distinctions (for example, in education),
The most important parts of Western technology can be listed under four headings:
1. Ability to kill: development of weapons
2. Ability to preserve life: development of sanitation and medical services
3. Ability to produce both food and industrial goods
4. Improvements in transportation and communications
This shows that there has been a
sequence, at intervals of about fifty years, of four successive population pressures which
might be designated with the following names:
Anglo-French pressure, about 1850
Germanic-Italian pressure, about 1900
Slavic pressure, about 1950
Asiatic pressure, about 2000
Developments in Western Europe
1. Western ideology
2. Revolution in weapons (especially firearms)
3. Agricultural Revolution
4. Industrial Revolution
5. Revolution in sanitation and medicine
6. Demographic explosion
7. Revolution in transportation and communications
Developments in Asia
1. Revolution in weapons
2. Revolution in transport and communications
3. Revolution in sanitation and medicine
4. Industrial Revolution
5. Demographic explosion
6. Agricultural Revolution
7. And last (if at all), Western ideology
Chapter 3—Europe’s Shift to the Twentieth Century
While Europe’s traits were diffusing outward to the non-European world, Europe was
also undergoing profound changes and facing difficult choices at home. These choices
were associated with drastic changes, in some cases we might say reversals, of Europe’s
point of view. These changes may be examined under eight headings. The nineteenth
century was marked by (2) belief in the innate goodness of man; (2) secularism; (3) belief
in progress; (4) liberalism; (5) capitalism; (6) faith in science; (7) democracy; (8)
nationalism. In general, these eight factors went along together in the nineteenth century.
They were generally regarded as being compatible with one another; the friends of one
were generally the friends of the others; and the enemies of one were generally the
enemies of the rest. Metternich and De Maistre were generally opposed to all eight;
Thomas Jefferson and John Stuart Mill were generally in favor of all eight..
”The reader of Pope, as of every author, is advised to begin by letting him say what he has to say, in his own manner to an open mind that seeks only to receive the impressions which the writer wishes to convey. First let the mind and spirit of the writer come into free, full contact with the mind and spirit of the reader, whose attitude at the first reading should be simply receptive. Such reading is the condition precedent to all true judgment of a writer’s work. All criticism that is not so grounded spreads as fog over a poet’s page. Read, reader, for yourself, without once pausing to remember what you have been told to think´´.
Henry Morley.
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 “Ages ago,” Urthred continued, “we certainly used to speak




Daniel Patrick Moynihan, pioneer of the political treatment of the greenhouse effect
  • 1969, on Initiative of US President Richard NixonNATO tried to establish a third civil column and planned to establish itself as a hub of research and initiatives in the civil region, especially on environmental topics.[52] Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Nixons NATO delegate for the topic[52] named acid rain and the greenhouse effect as suitable international challenges to be dealt by NATO
“Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts.”
– quoted in 
Robert Sobel‘s review of Past Imperfect: History According to the Movies, edited by Mark C. Carnes
Climate emails hacked by spies’
Interception bore hallmarks of foreign intelligence agency, says expert
A highly sophisticated hacking operation that led to the leaking of hundreds of emails from the Climatic Research Unit in East Anglia was probably carried out by a foreign intelligence agency, according to the Government’s former chief scientist. Sir David King, who was Tony Blair’s chief scientific adviser for seven years until 2007, said that the hacking and selective leaking of the unit’s emails, going back 13 years, bore all the hallmarks of a co-ordinated intelligence operation – especially given their release just before the Copenhagen climate conference in December.
I have never believed that there is a secret United Nations plot to take over the US. I have never seen black helicopters hovering in the sky above Montana. But, for the first time in my life, I think the formation of some sort of world government is plausible.
by: Gideon Rachman

A “world government” would involve much more than co-operation between nations. It would be an entity with state-like characteristics, backed by a body of laws. The European Union has already set up a continental government for 27 countries, which could be a model. The EU has a supreme court, a currency, thousands of pages of law, a large civil service and the ability to deploy military force.

A taste of the ideas doing the rounds in Obama circles is offered by a recent report from the Managing Global Insecurity project, whose small US advisory group includes John Podesta, the man heading Mr Obama’s transition team and Strobe Talbott, the president of the Brookings Institution, from which Ms Rice has just emerged.´´

Sooner or later mankind must come to one universal peace, unless our race is to be destroyed by the increasing power of its own destructive inventions; and that universal peace must needs take the form of a government, that is to say, a law-sustaining organisation, in the best sense of the word religious—a government ruling men through the educated co-ordination of their minds in a common conception of human history and human destiny.
The Catholic Church was the first clearly conscious attempt to provide such a government in the wor1d. We cannot too earnestly. examine its deficiencies and inadequacies, for every lesson we can draw from them is necessarily of the greatest value in forming our ideas of our own international relationships.
The transformation of the world is a great, complicated and painful process. For this great task a great class is required. Big ships go on long voyages.
Wells: Yes, but for long voyages a captain and a navigator are required.
Stalin: That is true; but what is first required for a long voyage is a big ship. What is a navigator without a ship? An idle man.
Wells: The big ship is humanity, not a class.
Stalin: You, Mr. Wells, evidently start out with the assumption that all men are good. I, however, do not forget that there are many wicked men. I do not believe in the goodness of the bourgeoisie.


Wells: There was a case in the history of England, however, of a class voluntarily handing over power to another class. In the period between 1830 and 1870, the aristocracy, whose influence was still very considerable at the end of the eighteenth century, voluntarily, without a severe struggle, surrendered power to the bourgeoisie, which serves as a sentimental support of the monarchy. Subsequently, this transference of power led to the establishment of the rule of the financial oligarchy.
Monnet and Retinger: liberal establishment tools in the founding of Europe
Right before and after World War I, Monnet hooked up with leading figures in the Anglo-American establishment. One of the first was Lord Kindersley, who, over the course of his life, was a partner in Lazard Brothers, a chairman of the Hudson’s Bay Company, and a director of the Bank of England. Kindersley’s son is known to have become an executive of the Pilgrims Society [14], a group researched in great detail by this author as it has been the embodiment of the liberal Anglo-American establishment throughout the 20th and early 21st century.
The Role of Oligarchs in Russian Capitalism
But we are not aware of comparable data sets on nonlisted firms, so we rely on the data on the share of the stock market owned by the top 10 families. By that measure, ownership concentration in modern Russia is higher than in any other country for which the data are available. The top 10 families or ownership groups (a subset of Table 1) owned 60.2 percent of Russia’s stock market in June 2003. This percentage is much higher than in any country in continental Europe, where the share of 10 largest families is below 35 percent in small countries and below 30 percent in all large countries (Faccio and Lang, 2002). In the United States and the United Kingdom, this share The Role of Oligarchs in Russian Capitalism 139 is in single-digit percentages (Faccio and Lang, 2002, Claessens et al., 2002).8 In east Asian countries before 1997 crisis, the highest shares of 10 largest families were in Indonesia (58 percent), Philippines (52 percent), Thailand (43 percent) and Korea (37 percent) (Claessens, Djankov and Lang, 2000). The numbers for Indonesia and Philippines include the holdings of Suharto and Marcos families, each controlling 17 percent of total market capitalization in the respective countries. In Russia, the personal wealth of Yeltsin and Putin is considered to be very modest
Centralisation Swiss Study, contrast?
It is very rare indeed for men to be wrong in their feelings concerning public misconduct; as rare to be right in their speculation upon the cause of it.  I have constantly observed that the generality of people are fifty years, at least, behindhand in their politics.  There are but very few who are capable of comparing and digesting what passes before their eyes at different times and occasions, so as to form the whole into a distinct system.  But in books everything is settled for them, without the exertion of any considerable diligence or sagacity.  For which reason men are wise with but little reflection, and good with little self-denial, in the business of all times except their own.  We are very uncorrupt and tolerably enlightened judges of the transactions of past ages; where no passions deceive, and where the whole train of circumstances, from the trifling cause to the tragical event, is set in an orderly series before us.  Few are the partisans of departed tyranny; and to be a Whig on the business of a hundred years ago is very consistent with every advantage of present servility.  This retrospective wisdom and historical patriotism are things of wonderful convenience, and serve admirably to reconcile the old quarrel between speculation and practice.  Many a stern republican, after gorging himself with a full feast of admiration of the Grecian commonwealths and of our true Saxon constitution, and discharging all the splendid bile of his virtuous indignation on King John and King James, sits down perfectly satisfied to the coarsest work and homeliest job of the day he lives in.  I believe there was no professed admirer of Henry the Eighth among the instruments of the last King James; nor in the court of Henry the Eighth was there, I dare say, to be found a single advocate for the favourites of Richard the Second.
Georgia Guide Stones.
In June 1979, a man using the self-confessed pseudonym Robert C. Christian approached the Elberton Granite Finishing company on behalf of “a small group of loyal Americans”, and commissioned the structure. Christian explained that the stones would function as a compass, calendar and clock, and should be capable of withstanding catastrophic events. Joe Fendley of Elberton Granite assumed that Christian was “a nut” and attempted to discourage him by giving a quote several times higher than any project the company had taken, explaining that the Guidestones would require additional tools and consultants. Christian accepted the quote.[2] When arranging payment, CWhat are they? Sinister, Elephant of hindudtan.
Tool Hammer and nails Sutherland. Market obsessionhristian explained that he represented a group which had been planning the Guidestones for 20 years, and which intended to remain anonymous.[2]
The most widely agreed-upon interpretation of the stones is that they describe the basic concepts required to rebuild a devastated civilization.[14] Author Brad Meltzer notes that the stones were built in 1979 at the height of the Cold War, and thus argues that they may have been intended as a message to the possible survivors of a nuclear World War III. The engraved suggestion to keep humanity’s population below 500 million could have been made under the assumption that war had already reduced humanity below this number.[15]
Multinational companies like Google, Oracle, and Ericsson are already using information technology to help migrants and the communities that host them, and volunteers within the IT sector have founded Techfugees to coordinate the industry’s efforts. Meanwhile, new start-ups have created apps to deliver real-time information to migrants on the move. Migrants can now use a scattering of Internet hotspots to access digital services and correspond with loved ones.

The Concordia Summit also will consider measures to improve migrants’ access to education and employment, and look for new ways to channel private-sector investment to host communities. Through public-private partnerships, local governments can support new immigrants without disrupting services to existing residents. In Canada, for example, private citizens can sponsor migrants for resettlement and help them adapt to their new environment.

Migration is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted public- and private-sector response. But, more generally, we need to change the narrative to correct the many public misperceptions about migrants, while highlighting the numerous economic and social benefits migration brings.

Sutherland in 2016.

With Malmstrom 2012

It is ironic – and dangerous – that Europe’s anti-immigrant sentiment is peaking just when global structural changes are fundamentally shifting migration flows. The most important transformation is the emergence of new poles of attraction. Entrepreneurs, migrants with Ph.Ds, and those simply with a desire to improve their lives are flocking to places like Brazil, South Africa, Indonesia, Mexico, China, and India. In the coming decade, most of the growth in migration will take place in the global south. The West is no longer the Promised Land, placing at risk Europe’s ability to compete globally.
The aging of Europe’s population is historically unprecedented. The number of workers will decline precipitously, and could shrink by almost one-third by mid-century, with immense consequences for Europe’s social model, the vitality of its cities, its ability to innovate and compete, and for relations among generations as the old become heavily reliant on the young. And, while history suggests that countries that welcome newcomers’ energy and vibrancy compete best internationally, Europe is taking the opposite tack by tightening its borders.
But all is not lost. Europe got itself into this situation through a combination of inaction and short-sighted policymaking. This leaves considerable room for improvement. In fact, there are rays of hope in certain corners of Europe.
Consider Sweden, which has transformed its immigration policy by allowing employers to identify the immigrant workers whom they need (the policy has built-in safeguards to give preference to Swedish and EU citizens). In more rational times, these reforms would be the envy of Europe, especially given the relative resilience of Sweden’s economy. They certainly have caught the attention of Australia and Canada, which aim to emulate them.
NATo and attack industyr. Security ? who´s security. Back to spinoza? Back to Burke. Seeing a problem when his salary depends upon not seeing it. Unto this last? What is theme. Miamonides, Guide for the perpålexed?? so on and so forth.

Micawber is known for asserting his faith that “something will turn up”. His name has become synonymous with someone who lives in hopeful expectation. This has formed the basis for the Micawber Principle, based upon his observation:

“Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen pounds nineteen and six, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds nought and six, result misery.” – (Chapter 12)

Deutsche Bank lords it over workers

MARCH 10, 2011

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Whoever they are, they are right. There has never been a more eloquent expression of David Cameron’s Big Society, a more annihilating wrecking-ball of Conservative rhetoric, a more profound embarrassment of the shallow motto “we’re all in this together” than this picture from last night’s “save the NHS” rally.

March 22, 2011 8:47 am
I wrote to DB last week (as I am sure many people did). He got fired on Friday. Ha.


“We can GET them!” – Jon Ronson’s hilarious & disturbing story about public shaming & mob justice

Sacco prrrrrrrrrobably doesn’t have a job anymore, though a bad AIDS joke likely won’t keep a good PR person down for too long. Sooner or later, Sacco will be employed again and potentially back on Twitter, except this time she’ll probably be smart enough to keep her racist jokes amongst friends.

And thus concludes another heartwarming version of “An Internet Story,” just in time for the holidays.
UPDATE: On Saturday afternoon, IAC officially canned Justine Sacco.

How One Stupid Tweet Blew Up Justine Sacco’s Life

The movement against public shaming had gained momentum in 1787, when Benjamin Rush, a physician in Philadelphia and a signer of the Declaration of Independence, wrote a paper calling for its demise — the stocks, the pillory, the whipping post, the lot. “Ignominy is universally acknowledged to be a worse punishment than death,” he wrote. “It would seem strange that ignominy should ever have been adopted as a milder punishment than death, did we not know that the human mind seldom arrives at truth upon any subject till it has first reached the extremity of error.”
No complaisance to our Court, or to our age, can make me believe nature to be so changed but that public liberty will be among us, as among our ancestors, obnoxious to some person or other, and that opportunities will be furnished for attempting, at least, some alteration to the prejudice of our constitution.  These attempts will naturally vary in their mode, according to times and circumstances.  For ambition, though it has ever the same general views, has not at all times the same means, nor the same particular objects.  A great deal of the furniture of ancient tyranny is worn to rags; the rest is entirely out of fashion.  Besides, there are few statesmen so very clumsy and awkward in their business as to fall into the identical snare which has proved fatal to their predecessors.  When an arbitrary imposition is attempted upon the subject, undoubtedly it will not bear on its forehead the name of Ship-money.  There is no danger that an extension of the Forest laws should be the chosen mode of oppression in this age.  And when we hear any instance of ministerial rapacity to the prejudice of the rights of private life, it will certainly not be the exaction of two hundred pullets, from a woman of fashion, for leave to lie with her own husband.
Burns On seeing a louse, Remove the plank , splinter Jesus.
Self awareness, Transcendence, Self honesty. Loving self Donald Neal Walsh.

Today’s liberalism is an anachronism. It has no understanding, really, of what poverty is and how it has to be overcome. It has no grip whatever on what American exceptionalism is and what it means at home and especially abroad. Instead it remains defined by an America of 1965—an America newly opening itself to its sins, an America of genuine goodwill, yet lacking in self-knowledge.

This liberalism came into being not as an ideology but as an identity. It offered Americans moral esteem against the specter of American shame. This made for a liberalism devoted to the idea of American shamefulness. Without an ugly America to loathe, there is no automatic esteem to receive. Thus liberalism’s unrelenting current of anti-Americanism.
The most profound thing I think I have ever read is a short question posed in Neal Donald Walsh’s, Conversations with God. ´What would love do now?´´.
At all breaking points in life there is one question to ask: what would love do now?
Love is not to retain the best of the other – but the best of your self.
‘I would define the episteme retrospectively as the strategic apparatus which permits of separating out from among all the statements which are possible those that will be acceptable within, I won’t say a scientific theory, but a field of scientificity, and which it is possible to say are true or false. The episteme is the ‘apparatus’ which makes possible the separation, not of the true from the false, but of what may from what may not be characterised as scientific.” Michel Foucault.
Materialism will have the right to proclaim itself as victorious only when the bible of materialism shall have been written,  Tolstoy.
CHARLES SANDERS PEIRCE: ´´In order toreason well …. it is absolutely necessary to possess … such virtuesas intellectual honesty and sincerity and a real love of truth (2.82). The cause [of the success of scientificinquirers] has been that the motive which has carried them to the laboratory and the field has been a craving toknow how things really were … (1-34).[Genuine inquiry consists I in diligent inquiry into truth for truth’s sake(1.44), … in actually drawing the bow upon truth withintentness in the eye, with energy in the arm (1.235). [When] it is no longer the reasoning which determineswhat the conclusion shall be, but … the conclusion which determines what the reasoning shall be … this is sham reasoning…. The effect of this shamming is that men come to look upon reasoning as mainly decorative…´´. seminal essay How to make our ideas clear
The recent flurry of marches, demonstrations and even riots, along with the Democratic Party’s spiteful reaction to the Trump presidency, exposes what modern liberalism has become: a politics shrouded in pathos. Unlike the civil-rights movement of the 1950s and ’60s, when protesters wore their Sunday best and carried themselves with heroic dignity, today’s liberal marches are marked by incoherence and downright lunacy—hats designed to evoke sexual organs, poems that scream in anger yet have no point to make, and an hysterical anti-Americanism. All this suggests lostness, the end of something rather than the beginning. What is ending? America, since the ’60s, has lived through what might be called an age of white guilt. We may still be in this age, but the Trump election suggests an exhaustion with the idea of white guilt, and with the drama of culpability, innocence and correctness in which it mires us. … This liberalism evolved within a society shamed by its past. But that shame has weakened now. Our new conservative president rolls his eyes when he is called a racist, and we all—liberal and conservative alike—know that he isn’t one. The jig is up. …”


Convergence, Divergence Wiked poroblems. ???

The Class-Domination Theory of Power

As argued in Who Rules America?, the owners and top executives of the largest corporations, banks, investment firms, and agri-businesses come together as a corporate community. Their enormous economic resources give them the “structural economic power” that is the basis for dominating the federal government through lobbying, campaign finance, appointments to key government positions, and a policy-planning network made up of foundations, think tanks, and policy-discussion groups. The CEOs and owners in the corporate community, along with the top executives at the foundations, think tanks, and policy-discussion groups, work together as a leadership group that I call the power elite. However, they do fight among themselves sometimes, leading to moderate-conservative and ultra-conservative factions in the power elite. This class-domination theory developed out of Power Structure Research, going back to the 1950s.
ITS NOT WHAT? but, Who you Know!

Questions and Answers

Q:  So, who does rule America?
A:  The owners and managers of large income-producing properties; i.e., the owners of corporations, banks, other financial institutions, and agri-businesses. But they have plenty of help from the managers and experts they hire. You can read the essential details of the argument on this site, or read the new seventh edition of Who Rules America?.
Q:  Do the same people rule at the local level that rule at the federal level?
A:  No, not quite. The local level is dominated by the land owners and businesses that own downtown real estate and big shopping malls. They come together as growth coalitions, which turn cities into “growth machines” when they gain control of local government. Everything is about land values for them, and that requires office buildings, stadiums, museums, concert halls, shoppers, conventions, and tourists.
Q:  Do they rule secretly from behind the scenes, as a conspiracy?
A:  No, conspiracy theories are all wrong for many reasons. It’s true that some corporate leaders lie and steal, and that some government officials — including the President — initiate secret actions and then try (and usually fail) to keep them out of the newspapers. But those activities are not what is meant by a conspiracy theory, most of which involve an imagined small group of people secretly plotting to gain or retain control of the government through illegal means.
Q:  Then how do they rule?
A:  That’s a complicated story, but the short answer is through lobbying, open and direct involvement in general policy planning on the big issues, participation (in large part through campaign donations) in political campaigns and elections, and through appointments to key decision-making positions in government.
Q:  Are you saying that elections don’t matter?
A:  No, but they usually matter a lot less than they could, and a lot less in America than they do in other industrialized democracies. That’s because of the nature of the electoral rules and the unique history of the South.
Q:  Does social science research have anything useful to say about making progressive social change more effective?
A:  Yes, it does, but few if any people pay much attention to that research.
Q:  Is connected to the “Who Rules America?” documents on or
A:  No! Those sites (and many others with documents purporting to tell you “who rules America”) are run by white supremacist/neo-Nazi organizations.

Interlocks and Interactions Among the Power Elite

The Corporate Community, Think Tanks,Policy-Discussion Groups, and Government

by G. William Domhoff, Clifford Staples, & Adam Schneider

Diplomacy and Guns.
Bairns not bombs , Attack not defence industry.
Somebody must trespass on the taboos of modern nationalism, in the interests of human reason. Business can’t. Diplomacy won’t. It has to be people like us.” 
― Robert ByronThe Road to Oxiana
Be a craftsman in speech that thou mayest be strong, for the strength of one is the tongue, and speech is mightier than all fighting.” 
― Ptahhotep
Fake news and inconvienient truths?
Real brothers can curse each other and keep friends. Someday Britannia will give Columbia a piece of her mind, and that may clear the air. Said an exasperated Englishman to me a day or so ago: “I pray to God they keep out of the end of this war anyhow. We shall never hear the last of it if they don’t….”
Mrs. Nesta Webster
She has set herself with the greatest industry to trace and link together the long-drawn succession of Cabalists, Gnostics, Manichaeans, the Old Man of the Mountains, Knight Templars, Satanists, Rosicrucians, Illuminati, Freemasons, Rousseau, Voltaire, Cagliostro, Madame Blavatsky, Mrs. Besant, Trade Unions, Anarchists, Socialists, Theosophists, Communists, Those Bolsheviks, a frightful horde all plotting and getting hold of power and handing it on and doing down Christianity and the Christian life. Her books are written with-conviction enough to make one look under the bed at nights. She has never quite committed herself to those famous forged Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion
words.p.232 tragedy and Hope.
´´but criticism should have been directed rather at the hypocrisy and lack
of realism in the ideals of the wartime propaganda and at the lack of honesty of the chief negotiators in carrying on the pretense that these ideals were still in effect while they violated them daily, and necessarily violated them. The settlements were clearly made by secret negotiations, by the Great Powers exclusively, and by power politics. They had to be. No settlements could ever have been made on any other bases. The failure of the chief negotiators (at least the Anglo-Americans) to admit this iQuiggleyss regrettable, but behind their
reluctance to admit it is the even more regrettable fact that the lack of political experience and political education of the American and English electorates made it dangerous for the negotiators to admit the facts of life in international political relationships.”
Bruce Charlton PC and distraction.

This book is intended for normal, mainstream, secular, modern, disaffected and alienated intellectuals; those who are complicit in political correctness (as are all intellectuals) but who are (when not distracted, drugged or dreaming) in a state of despair.
This book will, I hope, help such people to understand their condition, and present the likely choices. It will not help them to save their world (too late for that) but it may help them to save their souls.

Note: Why I use the term Political Correctness, instead of Liberalism or Socialism?
The reasons include:
1. The confusion over what ‘liberalism’ means – to some a free marketeer, to others a socialist. My definition of political correctness is broad and includes most mainstream conservatives, libertarians and anarchists; who are nowadays all significantly PC.

Thus, the major output of the modern international Mass Media consists of only four categories:
1. Good presented as bad
2. Bad presented as Good
(That is to say simple inversion)
3. Good presented as Good for a bad reason
4. Bad presented as bad for a bad reason
(That is to say explanatory inversion)
These four categories, which can be summarized as either simple or explanatory inversion, account for all sustained and high impact modern major Mass Media stories without any exceptions.

The problem is that Political education and discourse are so poorly communicated. Read Pedagogy of the Oppressed and what will become apparent is Political liberation is a Praxis and not a party. Freedom is something you live and do not something you join.…/world…
Political correctness, the intellectual elite and the mass media
PC depends upon at least two necessary (although not sufficient) conditions: an intellectual ruling class and a large and effective mass media.
The intellectual ruling elite are necessary because only they have the disposition for abstraction, the preference to regard ideas as realer than experience (because PC ‘reality’ is socially constructed), and the tendency to privilege ideas even (or especially) when they are in conflict with commonsense observation.
The mass media are necessary because the media constitute the discourse – the cognitive process, the mode of thinking – of modern societies.
Political correctness is (roughly) a mixture of bureaucratic Old Left and subjective New Left, the interspersion of a system of communist/ Fabian totalitarian central planning with irruptions of counter-cultural hedonism.
The main difference between the late Soviet Union in the Brezhnev era and political correctness in the West, is therefore the presence of a mass media.
In the old Soviet Union the media were instruments of state propaganda; they were dull, people didn’t pay much attention to them, and the quantity of media output was anyway kept low (because the media content was controlled and checked, item by item).
In the modern West, by contrast, the mass media are vast, primarily attention-grabbing, and still growing; media content is vivid and varied; and the subject matter is controlled only by self-censorship.
The mass media disciplines intellectuals and organizations who endanger political correctness: disciplines first by exclusion then by demonization – working like an inquisition by choosing and publicizing suitable anti-PC targets for aggression by ‘the secular arm’: organized Leftist direct action, rioting by approved groups, apparently-random acts by lone vigilantes – and so on.
The mass media identifies and locates reactionary targets for ‘legitimate’ aggression of many types, including violence.
And since these reactionary targets are seen as having willfully-provoked violence against themselves, the perpetrators of violence are exonerated from blame.

The moral universe of PC subsists on two distinct realities – good causes and good intentions, but never the twain can stay stuck-together.
(Note the lack of reference to good outcomes. Being wholly abstract, PC is indifferent to outcomes. ‘Outcomes’ are regarded as having no autonomous reality, but are merely seen as part of abstract theory.)
When everything is interpretation, action is rendered hazardous, indeed unnecessary.
The bureaucrat and the media communicator (those who do nothing and risk nothing – but who interpret, and re-interpret reality for the masses) are the modern cultural exemplars: certainly not the heroic producer, maker, act-er and do-er (whose positive behaviors might, at any moment, be re-interpreted; and the erstwhile hero exposed as a modern villain.)
So, wretched inert submissiveness oscillates with arrogant but empty moral grandstanding.
Is anybody safe?
Under PC, whatever you do, whatever willing you show, status is contingent.
There is no safety even for members of the ruling elite in a system of Political Correctness; anyone at all is susceptible to denunciation for any reason or no reason at any time.
Since PC is a wave of moral ‘progress’ which leaves-behind all previous moral standards and behaviours – there can be no accumulation of moral capital.
This applies to the ultra-PC just as much as to the openly reactionary.
(In this respect PC is more like communist than fascist totalitarianism: under fascism membership-of and courageous loyalty to the in-group usually brings safety from denunciation; but under communism anybody was vulnerable to denunciation – friends and enemies of the government alternated with bewildering rapidity: nobody was safe.)
The insanity of pure abstract altruism
Pure disinterested altruism, imposed on all by abstract systems, is therefore a logical consequence of the moral primacy of pure altruism…
It is also insane, and lacks any test in reality.
PC is good by definition and for no other reason; especially not because PC has been found to be good.
What is more, PC is the creation of that minority of humans capable of abstract thought and who regard abstraction as primary, and experience as derived from theory. This perspective is coercively enforced on that majority of other humans who privilege experience above abstraction (e.g. the majority who spontaneously privilege natural law above moral inversion, beauty above shock, truth above subversion and so on…)
The mass majority therefore experience coercive altruism as merely alienating – either as aggressive or patronizing depending on whether they are at that moment givers or receivers. 
PC stands or falls by the fact of a secular intellectual ruling elite, and can be imposed widely by this elite only by the recent technologies of modern mass media.
And PC is only possible in a fully materialist and secular society: where this-worldly ‘goods’ and their just (i.e. altruistic) allocation can assume ultimate importance, over-riding all other considerations (such as the saving of souls).
It is this idealistic quest for pure impersonal abstract altruism, in a secular context, which has caused the anti-human, alienating, aggressive, patronizing, self-hating and suicidal insanity that is political correctness.

Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed


What future for Europe does Jean Claude Juncker want?

On 1 March 2017, President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker delivered a White Paper on the future of Europe, which is meant to be discussed by governments and to encourage reflection on the role of the European Union. Later this month the Treaty of Rome’s will turn 60, 
More than anything, the White Paper encourages governments, thinkers, and ordinary citizens, to prepare for change. The best case scenario describes what we already expect from EU institutions, so the real message lies in the other options.
NB Curious Governemetns thinkers and ordinary thinkers? Whieghted IQ and Net worth voting anyone?

It is time to recognize that the integrity of information is part of the critical infrastructure of liberal democracy.

The rise of ‘fake news’ sites, internet filter bubbles, and the ever-increasing polarisation of society has given rise to the idea that we are entering a ‘post-truth’ world. This is a scary prospect. When there is no truth, fear reigns. Disputes become unresolvable, politics become zero sum, and societies become cruel.
NB. Starts from assumption that status quo is right?

While the breaking of the establishment’s stranglehold on the media is to be welcomed, these changes in the information environment have also meant that there are no longer any sources of information that are universally viewed as credible. The problem with this is not just that it allows occasional lies to be accepted by segments of the population as true. It is that, without an accepted reference point for truth, societies degenerate into rival camps screaming ‘liar!’ at each other.

One casualty of this is that it is becoming impossible to achieve political consensus even on fairly technocratic issues such as health care and pension reform. The other is that it has increased the possibility of elections being manipulated by special interests and foreign powers. Misinformation was a key theme of the recent US election, in which Hillary Clinton was demonised daily – often without any factual basis – in both new and established right-wing outlets.

How sincere is this ?

(1) Establish a correction mechanism

One element of an effective strategy against misreporting and fake news would be to make sure that clearly factually wrong news and deliberate misinformation cannot be spread as easily through social networks. This is already happening, with Germany set to be the second country after the US to benefit from Facebook’s new ‘disputed’ model for reducing the power of fake news.

(4) More information education

A final element would be to improve the population’s awareness about misinformation and fake news. Just as its needs to be conveyed to the average internet users that “password” or “12345” are not secure passwords, the users need to learn the difference between high-quality and low-quality information. To this end, education about how to evaluate the quality of information found on the internet should be added to all school curricula.


The world according to Europe’s insurgent parties: Putin, migration and people power


It concludes that foreign policy is no longer an elite game.

Mark Leonard, Director of the European Council on Foreign Relations, said:
““Many of these insurgent parties have views on foreign policy that are closer to President Putin than President Obama.  They are overturning an elite foreign policy consensus based on Atlanticism and liberal democracy that has dominated for the last fifty years”
We can’t dismiss them as fringe parties – they represent a revolution in European foreign policy.  Their chosen weapon is using referenda to whip up popular support on their pet issues.  Even where they don’t win power directly, they are so politically powerful that they are forcing mainstream parties to adopt their positions”
Among the challenger parties:
1. Most, 28 in total, thought that a Brexit vote in the UK referendum would trigger EU disintegration. Most, but not all, believed that this would be a good thing. Most parties believed that it would trigger further referenda in the EU.
2. Most showed a strong suspicion of cooperation with Turkey on the refugee crisis and particular opposition to Turkish accession 36 parties oppose the EU-Turkey deal on the refugee crisis, many of them voicing concern about the EU-Turkey deal because it will lead to closer co-operation between the EU and Turkey.  On other issues, 23 opposed cooperation with Turkey on the war in Syria, and 24 against terrorism. On other issues such as the Ukraine crisis and the eurozone crisis, very few parties could see a case for talking to Turkey at all
3. The challenger parties are contributing to the European Parliament’s increasingly assertive role in foreign policy, as seen in their opposition to elements of the March 2016 EU-Turkey deal. The great majority of the challenger parties have representation in the EP, and many of them are stronger at this level than nationally.  As they grow in influence, they are likely to use the consultation role of the EP on international agreements reached under CFSP to push their agenda.
4. Merkel’s ‘refugees welcome’ policy is not widely blamed as the cause of the migration crisis: only seven parties named it in their top two explanations for the Crisis. US strategy in the Middle East was the most popular answer, with President Assad’s regime sponsored violence in Syria in second place in the responses given.
5. There is no appetite among these parties for intervention in Syria:  On the prospect of collective European involvement in intervention in Syria 32 parties responded that this option should not even be on the table.  This is linked to a general anti-Americanism, and a distaste for the EU towing the US line particularly on foreign policy in the Middle East.  
6. There is widespread opposition to the Ukraine’s path to EU accession. Only 14 parties responded unequivocally that they supported it, and of these two wouldn’t support NATO accession for Ukraine.
7. There is scepticism around future European or US interventionism generally, particularly in the Middle East, from Sinn Fein in Ireland, to UKIP in the UK, to the Front National and the Communist Party in France, to AFD and Die Linke in Germany, to Jobbik in Hungary and the Five Star Movement in Italy.  These parties are likely to bolster the intervention fatigue trend in EU foreign policy over coming years, making it even more difficult for national governments to sell the idea of future military deployment to their populations.
8.  Despite differences between the parties, there was consensus in the external threats faced by the EU.  For 36 out of the 45 parties covered, the refugee crisis or the threat of terrorism and radical Islamism (these issues were inextricably linked in the responses that the majority of parties gave) represented the top or top two priorities for the EU. This response was not the preserve of the right wing: Die Linke in Germany; the French Communist Party, Podemos in Spain, and the Lithuanian Labour Party were also among those who voted in this way.
9. Suspicions among these parties about the transatlantic relationship are partly fuelled by opposition to the Transatlantic Trade Treaty (TTIP), with 26 out of the parties arguing that the EU should not conclude a TTIP with the US at all. But there were some notable exceptions including the Sweden Democrats; Danish People’s Party, the Finns Party, Estonia Party of People’s Unity, ALFA in Germany, Syriza and Independent Greeks who saw the potential for it to be positive under the right conditions.
10. The parties confessed to having little understanding of today’s China and how to work with it. There is no real evidence of more support for engagement with China from parties on the right or left:  15 parties simply had no official position.  
11. The parties are most divided on how to engage with Russia. Although there is a general spread of sympathy for Russian foreign policy (30 parties expressed agreement with at least some recent Russian positions, including particularly for their intervention in Syria in the absence of other actors playing a decisive conflict resolution role) there were more mixed views on whether EU sanctions should be maintained and whether NATO should build up militarily against the Russian threat. These views on Russia policy do not fall naturally along the lines of ‘left’ and ‘right’ groupings.
12.  Many agree with Trump’s argument that Europeans and others need to pay their way more within the NATO alliance and have a vision of a militarily strong Europe that invests more in its own security – largely at national level – and is consequently independent from the US.
13.  The overwhelming majority saw the need for European solutions to specific current challenges. This was least pronounced on the Eurozone crisis where 20 parties opted for European level solutions; scaling up to 24 in favour of European solutions on the refugee crisis, 29 on the Syrian war and 28 on Ukraine; and 34 on terrorism. 
Correction: Due to an incident that happened with a Chrome extension installed on the personal laptop of one of our staff members, for a couple of days the online version of this press release showed a misspelled version of the name of Donald Trump.

An interesting discussion Wesley and John boiling down the technical arguments from the political
seems to have evaded you both it must surely be possible absent moral/political judgements to
discern how the existing system operates in The Uk and The US and elsewhere after all the systems
exist? A favourite dialogue of mine is the one between Proudhon and Bastiat summarised here. I share Proudhons view regarding Interest and see the
charging of Interest as the biggest part of the monetary system. Jeremy Benthams in defence of
Usury is in the Bastiat Camp albeit a dialogue between Bentham and Adam Smith ( interestingly one sided reminiscent of
Sam Harris engaging Noam Chomsky, Smith did not respond at all though.) The question about
issuing money is surely that when Money is created out of thin air it should be created without
interest and that if Interest is thought to be a good idea then the Interest Component should be
created at the same time. This is the fundamental question ( Bentham misses it completely and so
does Bastiat in my recollection of the debate. I personally have philosophical, moral and religious
objections to the charging of Interest, all Interest charges for me are usurious, My own political
views actually reject Capitalism as well I do not think it works. We do have the system we have
though and as JohnG says MMT is supposed to describe how the system we have works. Steve
Keen is very good on endogenous money creation and bears very close attention I find. . Regardless of Political views it is the interest
element that causes the damage when money is created as debt. This is the insight at the heart of the
social credit movement.
Tradgedy and Hope.
P 24
The export of material elements in a culture, across its peripheral areas and beyond, to
the peoples of totally different societies has strange results. As elements of material
culture move from core to periphery inside a civilization, they tend, in the long run, to
strengthen the periphery at the expense of the core because the core is more hampered in
the use of material innovations by the strength of past vested interests and because the
core devotes a much greater part of its wealth and energy to nonmaterial culture. Thus,
such aspects of the Industrial Revolution as automobiles and radios are European rather
than American inventions, but have been developed and utilized to a far greater extent in
America because this area was not hampered in their use by surviving elements of
feudalism, of church domination, of rigid class distinctions (for example, in education),
The most important parts of Western technology can be listed under four headings:
1. Ability to kill: development of weapons
2. Ability to preserve life: development of sanitation and medical services
3. Ability to produce both food and industrial goods
4. Improvements in transportation and communications
This shows that there has been a
sequence, at intervals of about fifty years, of four successive population pressures which
might be designated with the following names:
Anglo-French pressure, about 1850
Germanic-Italian pressure, about 1900
Slavic pressure, about 1950
Asiatic pressure, about 2000
Developments in Western Europe
1. Western ideology
2. Revolution in weapons (especially firearms)
3. Agricultural Revolution
4. Industrial Revolution
5. Revolution in sanitation and medicine
6. Demographic explosion
7. Revolution in transportation and communications
Developments in Asia
1. Revolution in weapons
2. Revolution in transport and communications
3. Revolution in sanitation and medicine
4. Industrial Revolution
5. Demographic explosion
6. Agricultural Revolution
7. And last (if at all), Western ideology
Chapter 3—Europe’s Shift to the Twentieth Century
While Europe’s traits were diffusing outward to the non-European world, Europe was
also undergoing profound changes and facing difficult choices at home. These choices
were associated with drastic changes, in some cases we might say reversals, of Europe’s
point of view. These changes may be examined under eight headings. The nineteenth
century was marked by (2) belief in the innate goodness of man; (2) secularism; (3) belief
in progress; (4) liberalism; (5) capitalism; (6) faith in science; (7) democracy; (8)
nationalism. In general, these eight factors went along together in the nineteenth century.
They were generally regarded as being compatible with one another; the friends of one
were generally the friends of the others; and the enemies of one were generally the
enemies of the rest. Metternich and De Maistre were generally opposed to all eight;
Thomas Jefferson and John Stuart Mill were generally in favor of all eight..


47 thoughts on “Globalisation Un-Entangled. (A FOUND POEM, CIPHER OF GLOBALISM )

  1. As of april 2014, German mainstream media continue to ignore the peaceful weekly monday demonstrations in now over 34 German cities – defaming them ludicrously as “new right-wing movement”,
    #SamizdisSamizdat #BrexitRebeliion #ConquestofDough #Web3BeattheBanStick

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    #SamizdisSamizdat #BrexitRebeliion #ConquestofDough #Web3BeattheBanStick

    As of April 2014, German mainstream media continue to ignore the peaceful weekly Monday demonstrations in now over 34 German cities – defaming them ludicrously as “new right-wing movement”,

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